Minnesota Motor Company

Nov 10, 2023
Does Your Chevy Need a New Car Battery? Signs It's Time to Visit the Chevy Dealership

Your Chevy needs some TLC to keep it running in the best condition possible, and that includes getting a new car battery every few years. How frequently you need a new battery can vary depending on your model, but the technicians at the Chevy dealership will let you know when it’s time to replace the battery. There are also some signs that indicate your battery is about to die and should be replaced.

You Haven’t Been Using the Battery

The battery is charged by your engine when you drive, so the battery has a pretty high chance of dying if you haven’t driven in a long time. If you haven’t driven in a few weeks or months and can’t get the car started now that you’re back behind the wheel, then the problem is most likely caused by a dead battery, and you’ll need to get it replaced.

You’ve Been Having Trouble Starting

If you’ve been having trouble starting the vehicle recently, then a faulty battery is one of the most likely culprits. If you have a few false starts before the engine turns over, or if it takes an extra few seconds before the engine roars to life, then it’s a good idea to visit the dealership and get your Chevy checked out to rule out more serious issues.

Your Car Is Struggling in Winter Weather

If your vehicle starts up without problems for most of the year, but then it’s harder to start the engine when the weather cools down, then it may be down to your aging battery.

When it gets cold, the chemical reaction inside the battery slows down. As a result, it takes more power from the battery to get the oil moving faster and the engine to start. Old and failing batteries sometimes can’t supply the extra power needed to get the engine to turn over during the colder months.

Your Battery Is Corroding

It’s smart to do a visual inspection under the hood pretty regularly. Look out for corrosion on the battery, particularly in the positive terminal. If you spot any corrosion, then it means your battery is emitting acidic fumes and is working less efficiently as a result. You’ll need to replace it ASAP before it starts causing problems.

Your Battery Smells Like Rotten Eggs

If your battery is leaking, then it’s going to produce gas that smells like rotten eggs. You’ll notice the odor every time you pop the hood. It’s a sure sign that you need to get a new battery.

Come and get your battery replaced at Minnesota Motor Company if you’ve noticed any of the signs above. We want to help you keep your Chevy running as efficiently as possible, so never hesitate to stop by if you have a problem.