Minnesota Motor Company

Jan 3, 2024

Taking good care of your car has its rewards. Apart from the pleasure of driving a well-maintained vehicle, regular car maintenance can help you save money on fuel and prevent unexpected repair costs. Your Chevy dealer has provided the following maintenance tips to help keep your GM vehicle in excellent condition for many years.

1. Change the Oil at the Recommended Intervals

Changing your GM vehicle’s oil at the recommended intervals is critical to ensure optimal engine lubrication and reduce the friction that causes wear. Doing so will help your engine run smoothly and prolong its life. For most GM models, the manufacturer recommends replacing the oil and filter every 7,500 to 10,000 miles, whichever comes first. Refer to your owner’s manual to find your model’s factory-recommended oil change intervals.

2. Check the Fluids Monthly

It’s a good practice to check all vehicle fluid levels and make necessary adjustments once a month. Examine the color and consistency while checking the fluid levels to determine if they need replacement. Old and dirty engine oil turns dark brown or even black, so always check if the oil is an amber color.

Brown brake fluid needs replacement, while the coolant should always be pink, green, orange, or blue. Reddish transmission and power steering fluid are ideal, not dark red or brown. If you notice thick and dirty fluids, it’s best to ask your technician to replace them.

3. Maintain Your Battery

A car battery lasts anywhere from three to five years, depending on various factors such as temperature and maintenance. It is vital to perform regular battery inspections to avoid any potential issues.

Make sure to check that the terminals are free of any corrosion, and if you do notice any build-up, clean it off with a mixture of baking soda and water and use a brush as necessary. Once your battery reaches the three-year mark, ask your technician to perform regular battery tests to determine if a replacement is required.

4. Keep Your Tires Properly Inflated

It’s a good idea to walk around your car once a week and give your tires a quick check. Use a tire pressure gauge to check the pressure and inspect each tire for any damage, such as cracks, cuts, and bubbles, that could lead to flat tires or blowouts.

Keeping your vehicle’s tires inflated to the correct PSI and rotating them during every oil change can help them last longer and save you money on gas. The PSI for your model’s tires is inside your driver’s door or in your car’s owner’s manual.

Regular maintenance from you and a qualified technician is essential to keep your GM vehicle in top shape. If you’re due for a maintenance service, call Minnesota Motor Company today to schedule an appointment. Our team of certified GM technicians is here to help you keep your vehicle running at its best.